
No rivet counters allowed!

Monday 27 February 2012

First attempt at Foam Board scratchbuilding.

Having quite a few WWII figures painted up I decided to start putting a bit of scenery together. Earlier today I found a sheet of foam board which I bought months ago and completely forgot about!

Armed with a ruler, pencil and craft knife I spent a few hours in the shed and cut a few pieces out in the hopes of producing a farmhouse and barn which eventually will share an enclosure.

Here's a few pics of the progress so far...

In places I've removed the paper covering and scribed stonework onto the model. These will represent places where the buildings' rendering has fallen off. Once the window casings and doorways are done the whole piece will be textured  (except the exposed stonework of course). I'm experimenting with different texturing methods at the moment but the favourite is a mixture of household emulsion and sand. The windows etc are made from tongue depressors (big lollipop sticks!) which are trimmed and cut to size.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll post a few more pictures as the model progresses.


  1. These buildings are taking shape nicely, can't wait to see the final product..

  2. Looking good- my own attempts at foam board have ended in disaster

  3. Good work so far Steve!
    For wall texturing, you might want to use some Vallejo's pastes.
    For my buildings, I usually use VJ's Red Lava texture paste (not so thick, not so light)!
    If you want to see the outcome, visit my blog:


  4. Very nice. Foam board has to be one of the best materails going fo construction work.

  5. Well done!
    Kepp scratchbuilduing, this try looks very promising!


  6. Great work! I, unfortunately am too lazy to scratch build anymore and rely on card structures, so well done you, Steve!

  7. Thanks for the comments everyone. It's quite inspiring knowing folk are following my efforts!

  8. I like it Steve, welcome back to the scratchbuilding addiction :-)


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