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Saturday 5 May 2012

Scratch built buildings

Last night I managed to finish off the two small buildings I've been working on. As mentioned before these pieces are slightly down-scaled to around 15mm but I'm quite pleased with the results. Not bad seeing as they were made in my spare time and have taken less than a week to complete. Anyway, see what you think and feel free to leave a comment:

These were made for my Napoleonic project but have got me considering changing down to 15mm for my WWII scale games........... Something to think about.

Anyway, details on how these were built on my other blog : Built 4 Battle.


  1. Top notch buildings Steve. Very impressive.

  2. Nice buildings Steve. Down-scaling terrain for gaming does seem like a sensible option.

  3. You have scratched the itch very very well, Sir!


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